Extract html adding body and head

Hi there,
I want to extract data from a table on a website using n8n.
I first download the content of the page using browserless and then use html extract to extract the data using these settings:

Then from the output of that node I want to extract every td element

But it only returns an empty array

For testing I used “*” in html2 node CSS selector and this was the output:

<head></head><body>239188988\n                            08.01.2024 17:00\n                            5\n                            DAGRA\n                            Przekazano do urzędu pocztowego (WYSLANY)\n                            \n                                <a href="ajax/ajax_order_packages.php?courier=pocztapolska&amp;get_envelope_labels=239188988" target="_blank">Etykiet</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; \n                                <a href="ajax/ajax_order_packages.php?courier=pocztapolska&amp;get_envelope_book=239188988" target="_blank">K. nadawcza</a> | \n                                <a href="ajax/ajax_order_packages.php?courier=pocztapolska&amp;get_pocztafirmowa_book=239188988" target="_blank">Poczta firmowa</a>\n                            </body>

I don’t know why body or head suddenly appeared in the output and there were no td elements.

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.16.0

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  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

Hey @Valdri,

Can you share the site you are trying to download the table from? When it comes to working with HTML the package we use expects complete valid html to work properly which could be why it is adding the missing attributes and also why the TD extract is not returning anything.

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