Filter g sheet data, Move to a new sheet and in the process add some data

Hi everyone :wave::wave:

I’m working on a new custom workflow in N8N for a sales funnel.

I have a Google Sheet that receives new orders periodically, and I want to monitor it for new “confirmed” orders and move them to a second sheet while also adding a timestamp and event ID to each order in a specific format.

Here’s a sample of the data I’m receiving in the Google Sheets for each order:

  "created": "2023-02-01 15:59:01",
  "offer_name": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
  "order_id": "119192993",
  "Status": "confirmed",
  "price": "13,5",
  "Nombre": "testing fields",
  "Email": "[email protected]",
  "Teléfono": "5556398",
  "ip": "",
  "city": "La Plata",
  "region": "Buenos Aires",
  "statecode": "B",
  "countrycode": "AR",
  "code": "ok",
  "msg": "Order saved",
  "is_double": "",
  "goods_id": "2",
  "warning": "Need to add terms & conditions.",
  "subacc_1": "",
  "subacc_2": "",
  "subacc_3": "",
  "subacc_4": "",
  "utm_campaign": "campaign",
  "utm_content": "content",
  "utm_medium": "medium",
  "utm_source": "source",
  "utm_term": "term",
  "_fbp": "fb.1.1675618747490.1769344468",
  "_fbc": "fb.1.1675620351469.IwAR1y3BbjIujGLZ1QZC_lgNniJOlPG-s5d8s6Gx9gAH4_vawXVKrAFUnXd9s",
  "ext_in_id": "123456"

Each order is a separate item in the Google sheet node, which is set to monitor the sheet every five minutes.

Here are the steps I need the workflow to do:

  1. Get data from the Google Sheet every 5 minutes.
  2. Filter for orders that have a “confirmed” status.
  3. Generate a timestamp and an event ID for each order.
  4. Add the timestamp and event ID to each order as new columns.
  5. Move the filtered orders to a second sheet.

So far this is what I done:

  1. Set the Google Sheet node to monitor new or updated rows every five minutes.
  2. Set a filter node to only keep the orders whose status is “confirmed”.
  3. Use the code node to generate a timestamp and an event ID with the code provided below.

Here’s how the workflow looks like

This is the code the I did use in the code node to generate time stamp and Event_ID:

// Define a function to create an object with a UNIX timestamp for the current time minus 10 minutes
function createTimestampObject() {
  const now = new Date();
  const tenMinutesAgo = new Date(now.getTime() - 10 * 60 * 1000);
  const unixTime = Math.floor(tenMinutesAgo.getTime() / 1000);
  return { timestamp: unixTime };

// Call the createTimestampObject function to get a timestamp object for the current time minus 10 minutes
const timestampObject = createTimestampObject();

// Convert the UNIX timestamp to a string in UNIX format
const timestampString = timestampObject.timestamp.toString();

// Define a function to generate an ID
function generateId() {
  const id = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000)}_${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000)}_enter`;
  return id;

// Call the generateId function to get an ID
const id = generateId();

// Return the timestamp string and the ID
return { timestamp: timestampString, id: id };```

The code is working but only when I run the code node to run once for all items.

in that scenario, the output looks something like this:

but, when I do run the function for each item I do get this error

The problem I’m having is that I’m getting that error when I try to run the code node for each item, while I want to add the generated timestamp and event ID to each item before moving them to the second sheet.

Can anybody help me iterate the code so that I can add a timestamp and event ID to each Google sheet item before adding it to the second sheet with the filtered data?

Thanks on advance!


Hey @LucasOneSouth,

Give the below a bash, When using Run Once for Each Item you need to return the data in a specific way { json: { x:y } }

// Define a function to create an object with a UNIX timestamp for the current time minus 10 minutes
function createTimestampObject() {
  const now = new Date();
  const tenMinutesAgo = new Date(now.getTime() - 10 * 60 * 1000);
  const unixTime = Math.floor(tenMinutesAgo.getTime() / 1000);
  return { timestamp: unixTime };

// Call the createTimestampObject function to get a timestamp object for the current time minus 10 minutes
const timestampObject = createTimestampObject();

// Convert the UNIX timestamp to a string in UNIX format
const timestampString = timestampObject.timestamp.toString();

// Define a function to generate an ID
function generateId() {
  const id = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000)}_${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000)}_enter`;
  return id;

// Call the generateId function to get an ID
const id = generateId();

// Return the timestamp string and the ID
return { json: { timestamp: timestampString, id: id } };

hey @Jon

That works! thank you so much. :pray::pray::pray:

I have a similar scenario in the context of a Facebook conversion API workflow

You can check it here if you like :point_down:


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