Generate Text Embeddings from chat query and retrieve the data from Supabase vector table

How can I implement generating Text Embeddings using OpenAI model from chat query and retrieve the data from Supabase vector table based on embedding vector values.

It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

Welcome to the community @Samrat_Shakya :tada:
Using this workflow template as a base and using the Supabase vector store instead of the Pinecone vector strore could be a good place to start: Ask questions about a PDF using AI | n8n workflow template

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