Get attachment from gmail and use the data inside to create a contact list on Zoho

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Hello everyone,

I just want to get the attachment from an email received in gmail and use the data inside to create a contact list in zoho recruit.

I’m stuck since hours and still no clue on how to do that.

Can someone help me ?

Best regards,

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Hi @Mailing_ODYSSEE :wave: Welcome to the community :tada:

With the Gmail node, you’ll need to ensure you have Download Attachments toggled, like this:

A workflow with a pdf and the Extract from file node would look like this:

From there, the contents of the PDF are extracted as JSON, so it’s usable in further nodes.

Can you share your workflow with us so we can see a bit more about what you’re doing? :+1:

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:
I want to get the file attached to the email, to a a specific email and use the data inside to insert into a zoho recruit list contact.
As there is no zoho recruit list maybe I will save the file on a google drive folder and then use another automation tools that can connect to zoho recruit.

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