Get Recently Created/Updated (V2) doensn’t include additonal properties

I am trying to get the additional parameters from my contacts but it is not working

I saw that it was a discussion about this in the past: HubSpot get many contacts (V2) doensn't include additonal properties.

I am curious if this topic was fixed or not or if there is a workaround for this

Thank you very much!

Hey @Ovidiu_Ionita,

Welcome to the community :raised_hands:

I have unlocked the other report of this as this is still in backlog with a low priority, I will add this topic to it as well.

The only workaround I can think of would be to use an http request node to manually call the api which isn’t ideal.

I know we are planning our next bug clearing session on the nodes team soon so I will add this to the list as we didn’t get to it in the last one.

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