I have a simple workflow calling the Google Drive search function passing in { “query”: “text” }. I have it pinned within the “Execute Workflow Trigger”.
When I test the workflow from the editor, it returns the results I expected, which are 47 items that are documents and PDFs.
Editor Trigger Image:
When I run this from another workflow, showing it here, I can see that it is returning JPEG, PNG, and JavaScript files. I have Return All enabled, and I only see 11 items.
Looking at your screenshots the query being passed to the node and the expression are different, Did you try {{ $json.query.query }} which looks to be the value set in the node before it?
Thanks for pointing out the obvious thing I was 100% not seeing.
So I got the results I had anticipated when I went into the Trigger node and removed the Define Output. which I was passing { ‘query’ : ‘string’ }. For some reason, it was passing my defined inputSchema inside another query string.
I just removed the required input → by unchecking this.
I appreciate your time, and I will now investigate the proper use of the Specifcy Input Schema with AI Tool Agents.