Google Sheets -> ERROR: Bad request - please check your parameters

Describe the issue/error/question

I am trying to read a google sheet but I have the next error from N8N:
ERROR: Bad request - please check your parameters
The credentials run properly for Google Drive but it seems that no for Google Sheet and I have checked that the API is enabled.

What is the error message (if any)?

Please share the workflow

Share the output returned by the last node

It is the start node

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version:
  • Database you’re using (default: SQLite): N/A
  • Running n8n with the execution process [own(default), main]: own
  • **Running n8n via [Docker, npm,, desktop app]:**

Hi @franchogarcia,

It looks like you are not having trouble on credentials. The error message is ‘this operation is not supported for this document’ and as far as I’ve experienced before you are trying to read an XLSX file.

Can you please try again after converting the XLSX file to Google Spreadsheet file?

Screen Shot 2022-06-06 at 17.22.44

Hope it helps…

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