Handle with many binary files


Just a quick question to know how I can use many binary files and split these with the aim of exploiting each of them in a “Split In Batches” node.

My workflow use the Gmail API to extract the attachment (which is a ZIP), and decompress this. But my problem is that the decompression node returns one item with many binary files :

How can I split this item ?
I already tried the node items list like below but I have an error :


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Hey @BenJ,

For the “Fields to split out” can you input $binary and let me know if that works? I know in the new Split Out node that is the trick for it.

Hi @Jon,

The node returns nothing :

Hey @BenJ,

I have just given it a quick go with the item lists node and it appears to be working for me.

Can you try running the workflow below and letting me know if it works?

Hi @Jon,
I tried to execute your workflow and I always have the same result : “No output data returned”.

Hey @BenJ,

That is most unusual, Which version of n8n are you running? if you hover over the Fields to Split Out label in the Item Lists node does it mention the $binary option? We addede this into 1.11.0 so any version after that should be ok and any version before it would need to use a code node


I am actually on a previous version, I will make the update to have this feature.

Thanks !

Hey @BenJ,

That explains it, If you wanted to stay on the same version we do have an old code example in the workflow templates but upgrading is probably better as you get to use the new features :slight_smile:

Hey @Jon,

Could you send me the example so that I can test my workflow while I upgrade my versions ?

Thanks !

Hey @BenJ,

Give this one a go: Merge binary objects on multiple items into a single item | n8n workflow template

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