I’m having trouble getting the Telegram Trigger node to work in my n8n workflow. I’m running n8n on my local machine for testing, using ngrok for a public tunnel. I’ve carefully followed the n8n documentation and troubleshooting steps, but my Telegram Trigger node is not receiving any events, even though the workflow activates successfully.
Here’s what I’ve done:
Verified Telegram Bot: I’ve confirmed that my Telegram bot is working correctly. Privacy mode is disabled, and I can successfully interact with the bot using the Telegram API.
ngrok Tunnel Active: My ngrok tunnel is running, and I’ve set the baseUrl in my config.json file to match the ngrok URL:
Webhook URL Confirmed: The “Webhook URL” in my Telegram Trigger node settings is correct and includes the ngrok URL, /webhook/, and the unique webhook ID.
Firewall Rules: I’ve added firewall rules to allow n8n through my local firewall.
Isolated the Trigger Node: I’ve created a minimal workflow with only the Telegram Trigger node, and the issue persists.
Crucially, I have successfully tested webhook delivery using ngrok and a separate Express.js server. I can confirm that Telegram is able to send webhook events to my ngrok URL without any problems. This indicates that the issue lies within n8n’s handling of the webhook.
I’ve spent a considerable amount of time troubleshooting this, but I’m unable to pinpoint the cause within n8n. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue.
Can you provide some information on the actual error you are seeing? I have just given a Telegram bot a quick test and it is working as expected for me.
Looking at the error coming back from Telegram you likely don’t have the WEBHOOK_URL environment option set to use HTTPS which is a requirement for Telegram.
I have a problem with Telegram and I believe it may be the Nginx Proxy Manager.
My installation is self-hosted.
I have the WEBHOOK_URL with my website “https://n8n.mysite.com”
In Nginx Proxy Manager I have a valid certificate and I needed to configure it to work on my domain. Here it is: