[HELP] Not been able to import external modules

It is theoretically also possible with the docker image but much more messy as you have to mount each module you need separate. For “sugar-date” that would for example additionally be “sugar-core” as “sugar-'date” depends on it. The more complex the module you need the more modules that would be. So for it to work you would have to:

  1. npm install “sugar-date” (or whatever you want) in a folder (in this example it would be ~/whereever-you-have-the-module)
  2. Then start the n8n container kind of like this:
docker run -it --rm \
  --name n8n \
  -p 5678:5678 \
  -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
  -v ~/whereever-you-have-the-module/node_modules/sugar-core:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/sugar-core \
  -v ~/whereever-you-have-the-module/node_modules/sugar-date:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/sugar-date \
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