How do I convert an array of Objects into one Object using code

I have an array of phone numbers:

      "Number":"(123) 444-5555",
      "Number":"(234) 555-6666",
      "Number":"(345) 666-7777",
      "Number":"(456) 777-8888",

I need it to look like this:

      "Home":"(123) 444-5555",
      "Office":"(234) 555-6666",
      "Fax":"(345) 666-7777",
      "Cell":"(456) 777-8888"

Any ideas of how to accomplish this with code?

Welcome to the community @ULX!

You can use the following code in a Code-Node:

for (const item of $input.all()) {
  item.json.PhoneNumbers = item.json.PhoneNumbers.reduce((acc, cur) => {
    acc[cur.Type] = cur.Number;
    return acc;
  }, {})

return $input.all();

Here an example workflow:

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