How set asana access token programmatically to integrate n8n

Hi team,
I am working on a project to track all action triggers in ASANA, inorder to communicate ASANA application I do have a settings page. user can provide ASANA access token to the settings page.
how can I set this token to n8n application programmatically?

Hey @Arun_BS,

Welcome to the community :cake:

You would normally set that token when creating the credential in the n8n interface, Can you tell me a bit more about how you picture this working like is there more than one Asana integration happening for maybe multiple users?

You can create credentials using the API but you would still need to trigger that somehow so there will always be a manual process at some point unless you can set the Asana token through the API as well.

hi @Jon,
thank you for your quick reply

as per my requirement admin can set asana token to communicate with account. then admin can choose project and task to assign a user. when he completed his task he will be rewarded with points.
how its possible to connect different credentials to get different projects?


Hey @Arun_BS,

Where does setting the access token programmatically come into that? If the admin is setting it surely there is no problem?

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