How to do Deployment from Local to Development with Docker for CI/CD Pipeline

Hi Team ,
Hope All doing Good.
I need help for Deployment from local to Development with Dcoker (Withour SQLite File) and need to deploy one click of CI/CD Pipeline. Any Script is there or how to n8n Automation deployment , any suggention to do this.

Other idea's also would be great for me

Note :
*** Mainly focus on easy to deployment from local to development and development to production and easy to deploy workflow and credentails ***

thnaks in advance

Hi @rajesh-kumar, n8n would behave like any other docker application here (with persistent files like the SQLite database being mounted through the -v option suggested in the docs).

So you might also want to check non-n8n specific forums and communities for more solid DevOps advice.

Personally, I’ve used buddy in the past for small deployments (though not for n8n yet). It was easy to configure (on a very basic level, it could just ssh into the respective environment and run all relevant commands) and also has a free tier so you might want to look into that.

Of course, n8n can also ssh into remote destinations and execute commands, so even with pure n8n this could be possible depending on your needs.

As for your last point:

Mainly focus on easy to deployment from local to development and development to production and easy to deploy workflow and credentails

These would be stored in the aforementioned database and can be used as long as you ensure a consistent encryption key. If you don’t want to transfer databases across environments, you could use the CLI instead to export and import workflows and credentials (you would need to run these commands inside your container when using docker).

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