How to get ticket from Zendesk using a search query?

Hi there,

Maybe anyone know a solution on how to update Zendesk node “Get many tickets” with Query option so that it would return the actual tickets?

The issue I’m facing is that when I run a query in this node it only returns a very small amount of tickets (12 tickets)

but when I run such query in Zendesk it returns thousands of such tickets.
Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 11.37.22

I’m not sure if there is something wrong with the query itself even though it seems it returns some tickets or, whether, there is a bug in the ticket.

I would appreciate any help! Thank you

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Hi @Tomas_Vaitkevicius

What happens when you have the Return All option toggled on?

@ria nothing happens, same output

Thank you for checking!

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