I am trying to run a flow where I read a file of 83,000 lines.
My machine should be able to handle it (MacStudio, 64GB of ram) - but I’m uncertain if I configured N8n (thorugh npm) correctly.
When I launch this particular flow, it just freezes N8N
When I force quit it and relaunch it through the terminal, if I didn’t close the n8n window, I end up with this message.
I have tried “export NODE_OPTIONS=–max_old_space_size=16000”
but havent met any more success.
The flow itself is not complicated:
1 seems to pause problem of memory
2 is the JS node where I actually process a lot of information and generate HTML, links, export tables
3 is the file I’m trying to load (1,23m)
Any pointer of where I should be looking at would be appreciated