Hi @Jon I tried to copy the setup to my custom node’s credentials, so I added this part:
displayName: 'Grant Type',
name: 'grantType',
type: 'hidden',
default: 'pkce',
displayName: 'Auth URI Query Parameters',
name: 'authQueryParameters',
type: 'string',
default: 'response_mode=query&response_type=code+id_token',
'For some services additional query parameters have to be set which can be defined here. Example: access_type=offline'
I receive the following error when I try the connection:
Received following query parameters: {"error":"unauthorized_client","error_description":"Client is not configured to support given response_type","state":"eyJ0b2tlbiI6InVGbEVISndFLWFWYUtQWVhSWGNJbDN1amo0ZEFuQlZ0dEV5ayIsImNpZCI6Ijg4NVJLRFVFUk9UdVA4enIifQ=="}
I noticed the response_type set by n8n in query parameters is response_type=code but the service accepts response_type=code+id_token only.
Is it possible to somehow rewrite that response_type to “code+id_token”? Tried to include it in authQueryParameters but seems to have no effect.
That is not something we support that I am aware of so you may need to get more creative. What service are you trying to interact with and do you happen to know if code+id_token is part of the pkce spec if it is we can get that added.