I’ve seen this post about problems with the axios browser here Http request proxy fails
It proposes rollback to a previous version of the library.
Any way to do this in the n8n Desktop version? I’m also having problems routing requests. In my case via TOR.
- I have a TOR node at home with GitHub - dperson/torproxy - It’s making an http proxy.
- I perfectly works from CURL in the command line.
- Nevertheless SOME requests do not work whilst other do:
To repeat the failure
In the comand line those 2 lines work:
This works:
curl -s https://www.whatismybrowser.com/detect/what-http-headers-is-my-browser-sending -s | xmllint --html --xpath //table -
curl -s --proxy http://tor:8118 https://www.whatismybrowser.com/detect/what-http-headers-is-my-browser-sending -s | xmllint --html --xpath //table -
Nevertheless in n8n:
- HTTP Request to https://www.whatismybrowser.com/detect/what-http-headers-is-my-browser-sending, result = string, without proxy => Works
- Adding the proxy (that works via command line) => DOES NOT work. It “hangs” infinitely.
Question 1
Can anyone request https://www.whatismybrowser.com/detect/what-http-headers-is-my-browser-sending via a TOR proxy in the n8n Desktop version?
Question 2
What can I do to make the n8n Desktop version work with something as simple as an HTTP request via proxy?
FYI: downgrading my fan-level from 10 to 9. Too slow to get “something super-basic working fine”.