Hi all I am have hosted n8n using this docker-compose file provided by the n8n team: n8n/docker-compose.yml at master · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub
And on trying github trigger node I get this error:
Any idea/ help on how I can run this docker compose file in --tunnel mode?
Thank you!
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Welcome to the community @Sohail_Sankanur!
First, be aware that the tunnel is ONLY for testing and NOT for production use. If you want to run n8n in production please follow this guide:
To your questions. You can add the following line to the n8n container:
command: "n8n start --tunnel"
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Thank you for the help, Jan, Happy to be here!
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Hi, is this command still usable by version 1.1.1?
In v1 it would probably be:
command: "start --tunnel"
But be aware that is meant only for testing and debugging, not for production use. We do not give any guarantees.
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Thank you a lot, I tried to find it all day long…