${DATA_FOLDER}/.n8n:/root/.n8n This should be ${DATA_FOLDER}/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n but it depends on what the DATA_FOLDER env option is set to so you might need to double check that. If you were running the compose up command as root you may have a different result than if you were running it as a user called indiedev so it is worth checking your user account as well.
There are some other env options that need to be updated as well so it would be worth reviewing the documentation as a starting point the basic auth options don’t exist anymore and webhook_tunnel_url is now just webhook_url
Hello all.
I followed this thread to update n8n on Digital Ocean to the latest version. Everything seems to have worked but logging into the app, it says I’m still on the previous version (Yes I have logged out and back in twice)
Can anyone point out where I’ve gone wrong? Appreciate it
What version are you running and what version are you expecting it to be? Is your compose file also using n8nio/n8n:latest as the image or is it using docker.n8n.io/n8nio/n8n?
Hi guys, I’m new to the forum and thank everyone for their commitment to the fantastic opensource software n8n. I have created a bash script for my digital ocean droplet and have the following issue:
when i run the bashscript everything is updated correctly via docker compose but after the update i don’t have access to my credentials for different nodes anymore. is it possible to fix this issue?
Attached is the bash script:
Navigate to the directory of your Docker Compose setup
Stop the n8n service
docker compose stop n8n
Get the latest n8n image version
docker compose pull n8n
Update the n8n version in the Docker Compose file
sed -i ‘s/n8nio/n8n:.*/n8nio/n8n:latest/’ docker-compose.yml
Start the updated services
docker compose up --force-recreate -d
echo “n8n service has been successfully updated.”
many thanks in advance for your help and best regards
If you are missing credentials or can’t access them it would suggest that the docker volume is not being set in your compose file correctly. When you say you don’t have access what does that actually mean, Are they there but they fail to load with an error or do you need to do the full setup again?
With your bash script you can also get away with just having the below which should do the job assuming your compose file is already set to use n8n:latest for the image name.
Thank you very much for your quick reply. The credentials for the nodes are still displayed, but I can neither see the credentials nor use them in the corresponding nodes after an update. I could now update the n8n instance to give you the correct error code, but then I would have to create all the credentials again.
That is not an issue I have seen before, if they are displayed they should be usable. What happens if you try to open them and did you try clearing the browser cache?