HTML tags shown in Facebook post from Wordpress


When I try to post on Facebook using WordPress and N8N workflow. the post include HTML tags … how to remove this tags.

Facebook sample post:
<p class="text-align-justify"><strong>Content(</strong><strong>CNN</strong><strong></strong><strong>)


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to remove this tags I found the solution by using HTML node – Extract content option.

the problem now: the value of the message return" undefined"
the facebook node include two inputs (one for binary = image, other for message = text from HTML) why this message returned.

Hi @AhmedAlnaqa How are you fecthing the content from WordPress? API? RSS Feed?

Can you post your full workflow here? Or maybe a screenshot?

sure will create a separate post with the how to. and will mentioned you on it

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No, Feel free to reply here.

Or You could just use .removeTags() with any expression you have, like {{ $json.TextContectExtracted.removeTags() }} and it will delete all HTML tags without node.


Sure, you have to add a webhook in N8N and from wordpress side add plugin called WP webhook to listen for what ever u need. check it and inform me in case of any question

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