I’m using a quite custom approach. Calling Facebook Graph API with not it’s node, but with HTTP node. The thing is I can only get data I then use in the workflow, when node returns error. After quite some testing this HTTP node got deactivated… Is it something with regards the way I use it, by triggering error response? Anyway - how to prevent such deactivation?
Describe the problem/error/question
What is the error message (if any)?
Please share your workflow
(Select the nodes on your canvas and use the keyboard shortcuts CMD+C/CTRL+C and CMD+V/CTRL+V to copy and paste the workflow.)
i just had the same issue. Yesterday it all worked fine then this morning it’s broken. I updated n8n to the latest version but that didnt help then I noticed that the Graph API version in the Facebook Graph API node is set to 20.0 (the maxium) but in the FB Dev Site the version is now 21.0 so am wondering if this is what is causing the problem?
Yeah, it’s not great if this is going to keep on failing! I just managed to get a token that never expires so really want to keep that! I’m fairly new to this so am just using my own logic in trying to figure it out. That being said the only thing I can see that is different is that FD Dev site shows 21.0 and n8n node is limited to 20.0 but this has only changed overnight. still it shouldn’t kill a workflow. also I tested my token using 20.0 in FB Dev site and it worked so now I’m really confused. Maybe I’m just barking up the wrong tree!
Never Expiring Token: I learnt the trick off one of the youtube videos. it’s a bit hit and miss so you have to keep trying it. here’s the process…
In FB Dev site, in the Graph API Explorer select your permissions and generate your access token as per normal and copy it. Then from the Tools pulldown menu select Access Token Debugger, paste in your token and click the debug button. in the returning result you will prob see expires in an hour or 2 days or something small like that. just scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button to extend the length then copy the code it generates. In most cases it will extend it to 2-3 months, then you will have to re-new it.
To get a never ending one you then use the back button on your browser to go back to Graph API Explorer. Now here’s where it all gets a bit grey! I’m not sure what criteria it goes off but you just have to keep trying. it took me about 8 goes before i got it. basically you go into n8n and add the Access token to your node credetials and re-connect. then go bak to FB Dev site. Refresh the Graph API page this will load in the new token then in the test bar at the top change “me?fields=id,name” to “me/accounts” then press submit. you should get a positive result back. Now click the Generate Access Token button again, copy the token and go back to the Tools>Access Token Debugger page and repeat the process again and again. Eventually it will give you a never ending token. it’s a real pain in the butt but worth it when you get it!
Like I said it took me a while! It might even be worth removing all the permissions Barr one of them generate a token then go back and re-enable all the permissions you need then generate a new token and then try the debug thing and extend it! Defo keep trying you Will get it in t he end it’s just a bit tedious! Good luck!
Hey @AndiZu . I actually found a guy on Upwork, who did it 100% legally for my for just $10)) There are articles in Internet that state it’s a kind of trick and grey way, but it’s actually 100% managable checkbox setting within the proper setup.
Hi Dan that’s great news! I’ve actually gone back to using Make.com purely for posting to my social media platforms. It’s so much simpler to connect with each platform. Plus I already had a working scenario that worked well for me. But still use n8n for producing the initial blog post that the socials are created from! And, other types of workflows.