HTTP node needs both binary and JSON? Issue with "Response Format"


I’ve been having a look at this to get the binary data, which works fine:


I have also removed the headers and used Header Auth for the one “Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key” which is required, Host and Content-Type (required) seem to generate automatically, though I’m not sure.

The Workflow appears to partly complete, I added the Query Params to the URL, and Options:

  • MIME Type:application/pdf
  • Full Response:true (see below)

One thing, that is slightly odd, I get no response, the response to this POST (which is a file id on Azure) is supposed to be in the header, how can I get that data?

Lastly, and I appreciate this is now a different issue, when looking at Executions, I get this alert after clicking the cancel button:

Problem stopping execution
There was a problem stopping the execuction:
this.activeExecutions[executionId].workflowExecution.cancel is not a function

Thank you for your help.