HTTP Request Invalid JSON

Good afternoon community, how are you?!

I wanted to ask you about an issue I am having with http request to jira. When I send the request it returns: “ERROR: Invalid JSON in response body”, but when I check if it did it right, it does it right, even though it returns that error. Can it be a bug?


Hi @Internalit_Automatio, I am sorry you’re having trouble.

Older versions of the HTTP Request node were a bit picky about requiring either a JSON-like string or a real JSON-object. The current version would be fine with either one though, both of the below example requests should work fine:

So in a first step, perhaps you simply want to remove your existing HTTP Request node and add a new one from scratch (rather than copying an old one) to ensure you are using the latest version?

If you’re still having trouble, perhaps you can share an example workflow to reproduce your problem and confirm the version of n8n you are currently using? You can of course redact anything confidential in your example workflow, but it’d be important to keep the data structure itself so the error can be reproduced on our end.

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Hello @MutedJam !

I removed the HTTP Request and re-generate it from 0, I am using version: 0.236.3. I found a solution that does not give me the error, adding the following option in the Request

I don’t know if this is the right way


If it works is certainly is the right way :slight_smile:

Glad to hear, and thanks so much for confirming!

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