Hubspot custom contact properties not showing in HubSpot node's "Additional Fields"

I’m on n8n cloud, account created couple of days ago and I’m pretty new to this stuff :sweat_smile:

I’ve created a few custom properties to Contacts and changed basic Pipeline statuses in my Hubspot CRM.
I’m setting up a Hubspot node that is reading data coming from JotForm form. Data is passed correctly and OAuth2 is set up correctly (as I can see my updated statuses in the Pipeline). But when I try to use these custom contact properties - I don’t see any of them on the list. In attached pictures you can see “Akcent” - custom contact property, but it’s not visible on the list of fields in n8n Hubspot node.
Any suggestions please?

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Hi @Kris_Szostak,

Welcome to the community :cake:

I have just taken a look and under Additional Properties there is a field called “Custom Properties” if you select that it will load up the custom ones. Hopefully this helps.


@Jon I have no words how to thank you :star_struck: I’ve spent so much time trying to figure it out and never thought there might be nested options. Thanks!!!


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