Hi, I completed course level 1 workflow and quiz, however I didnt receive any email of the results or completion.
Could you please help? Email is [email protected] Unique ID is:8705885aae641ef0b296b4db68bfe1b3
Hi, I completed course level 1 workflow and quiz, however I didnt receive any email of the results or completion.
Could you please help? Email is [email protected] Unique ID is:8705885aae641ef0b296b4db68bfe1b3
Hi @greg.lopez, welcome to the community!
I am so sorry for this. Perhaps @Jon can take a look into this when he has a bit of time?
Hey @greg.lopez,
I have taken a look and given the backend a manual run for you, You should have an email now. It looks like you did the test at the end but didn’t do any of the practical steps.
Thanks @Jon, Ive ran again the workflow steps and got everything completed but it says the the certificate is not awarded to anyone, please find attachment.
Hey @greg.lopez,
We don’t issue certificates anymore, I should probably update that page to reflect that, 167% on the workflow is impressive as well I need to look into that.
Thanks @Jon , will I receive any badge then? Or how can I validate my completion of the Course Level 1?
Hey @greg.lopez,
I was just checking that now, Normally the quiz would be the last thing you do which is when the badge is issued. I need to add a check for out of order completions
I also haven’t received my level 1 course latest results, Unique ID: ff1001e4456a02a1e433f6b6ab36ce14
Hey @neerajkumar,
Welcome to the community
It looks like you have not completed the theory correctly, Try taking the test again.
Hi, I received the quiz results but I don’t receive the badge for Level 1 (Level 2 badge works).
I just did the entire quiz again to make sure and still the same.
My unique ID: eeb7382685054977cef9ebd0d530e156
Hey @JayF,
The ID you have shared has not completed the level 1 course, This can be checked here; https://internal.users.n8n.cloud/webhook/course-level-1/verify?id=eeb7382685054977cef9ebd0d530e156
It is important to note that level 1 and level 2 currently have different IDs.
Thanks for the reply. Actually I did complete it from start to finish, twice, making sure to use the right ID I received each time. And I got the emails saying it was completed successfully with passing scores, but that I “didn’t sign up for the course”. So some error is happening there.
Hey @JayF,
I have double checked it looks like the link to the ID was lost after one of the attempts I will need to dig into what happened. I have manually merged the fields though and all should now be good.
Thanks I received the badge
I also haven’t received my level 1 course latest results,
( I mean the Level 1 badge )
Unique ID: 35f8395820012635fa944dde2722f750
Can someone help?
Hey @Amos_F
I have just sorted that for you
Thank you so much!!
You make my day!!
I also haven’t received my level 1 course latest results,
( I mean the Level 1 badge )
Unique ID: dfa23900ada6467557aec830ed6ecf19
Can someone help?
Hey @hamster518,
Welcome to the community
It looks like the reason it wasn’t awarded to you was because you passed the quick before finishing all of the practical steps in this case sending the Disocrd message.
I have manually applied the badge to your user.
Hi, I also haven’t received my level 1 course latest results, Unique ID: 9fab730bb1034e0e5ab014892cc35f76