I followed a question and tried to disable a base node using nodes_exclude. But its not getting hidden

I tried hiding my error using nodes_exclude environment variable in my docker -compose.yml. I also followed the below question and executed the steps. But still I am unable to hide it from the UI.

The Node is not getting hidden in the UI. Please suggest what I had to do. I was trying to disable /hide aws ses. n8n-nodes-base.awsSes

Hi @Mahesh_Thiru, welcome to the community!

I am very sorry to hear you are having trouble. I just gave this a go on my end and was able to reproduce the problem. I can no longer exclude a node using something like docker run -it --rm --name n8n -p 5678:5678 -e NODES_EXCLUDE='["n8n-nodes-base.awsSes"]' n8nio/n8n:0.205.0:


Trying this on an earlier version of n8n (such as 0.203.1 using docker run -it --rm --name n8n -p 5678:5678 -e NODES_EXCLUDE='["n8n-nodes-base.awsSes"]' n8nio/n8n:0.203.1) still works:


I suspect this might be related to the changes around lazy-loading nodes in an attempt to use less memory. I shall add this to our engineering backlog for a closer look, perhaps you might want to downgrade to a slightly older version of n8n in the meantime?

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Greetings @MutedJam. Thank you for the response. As a temporary work around i will be using v0.203.1. Please let me know if there is a newsletter or something similar where I can be notified once the bug is fixed or about new features.

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We don’t have a release newsletter I am afraid, but we usually release a new version of n8n once per week. You might want to check out n8n/CHANGELOG.md at master · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub for the latest changelog.

In addition, we usually link any pull request to the forum post and will notify you once a fix has been released. So as long as you receive forum notifications you should get a message for this.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you very much. This helps.

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Got released with [email protected]

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