Imgur API doesn't work properly with n8n


Describe the problem/error/question

Somehow, I receive this error when trying to upload a GIF on Imgur through a POST request.

429 - “{"data":{"error":"Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later."},"success":false,"status":403}”

I tried with 3 different n8n instance and I get the same error. I tried to put random information in this POST request and it still returns the same error.

I tried the POST request in Postman and everything works properly. I also tried curl in the terminal and it worked great too.

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.7.1

Not sure about the rest because I didn’t setup the self-hosting instance.

Hey @automationk2a2,

This is a tricky one as it looks like Imgur is returning a message to say it is temporarily over capacity so either this is a generic message or it is an issue on their side. When you ran the test in Postman did you do it from the same machine n8n or a different machine? It could be that if you are using a shared host or similar imgur is limiting the requests which you are not running into when running it locally.

I have just given it a quick test using OAuth and the workflow below and it appears to be working.

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