Infusionsoft Integration [GOT CREATED]


Possible Features:

Create/Update Contact - Creates a new contact. It can be used to update existing contacts too.
Tag Existing Contact - Applies a tag to an existing contact.
Send Email - Create and send a new email to a contact or multiple contacts, as well as record the email in the contacts’ email history.
Create Note - Creates a note on an existing contact
Create Order - Creates a new order.
Search By Email or contact ID
Find an Invoice

Tag Added to Contact - Triggers when a tag gets added to a contact.
New Subscription - Triggers when a contact subscribes to plan.
Canceled Subscription - Triggers when a contact unsubscribes from plan.
New Contact - Triggers when you add a new contact.
New Invoice - Triggers when you add a new invoice (with line item support).
New Contact Action - Triggers when you add a new action for a contact (task, note, or appointment).
New Payment - Triggers when you add a new payment of any type (Cash, Refund, check, PayPal, etc.)
New Subscription Plan - Triggers when you add a new subscription plan.
New Tag - Triggers when you add a new tag.
Credit Card Charge - Triggers when a credit card charge is processed from Infusionsoft through a merchant account.

If possible please also add links to documentation and what functionality you are interested in. As APIs normally allow you to do a million things it is important to know what you want to do that if it gets created it includes the functionality you want.

Also interested in this. Specifically looking for the ability to search for a contact via email or contact ID and then to update fields and apply tags to contacts.

Hey, @Ben_Denny welcome to the community. We will look into this.

Uh sorry forgot to update here. Got created a while ago:


Thank you for this :slight_smile: