Install python packages from the backend in the self-hosted istance

How to install and update python packages in the backend of self-hosted n8n instance.

  • The error that I get is that urllib library is missing some methods which is available in the latest version of urllib.
  • I need a way to update these and also install other required packages using the backend.
  • n8n version: 1.76.2
  • Database (default: SQLite): Postgres
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Docker
  • Operating system: AWS EKS

It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

Hi @nselliah

Thanks for posting here and welcome to the community! :cake:

How did you configure your docker setup? Are you using a custom image?

FYI - just for reference -
n8n provides Python support using Pyodide, which is a port of CPython to WebAssembly. This limits the available Python packages to the Packages included with Pyodide. We’re using pyodide v0.23.4

Hi @ria ,

We are deploying it in Amazon EKS, and is there a way for us to use other libraries?


Do you have a docker file in your EKS directory? Can you share your deployment YAML perhaps to understand how you’re running n8n and python.

Is there a way to edit the packages in pyodide via n8n? For example, can I add any module to pyodide?