Hi team, just getting started with node development. Following the documentation here, I’m using n8n-node-dev build to compile/package the node. Because I’m using Docker, I changed the output path (with --destination) to [n8n mount location]\custom. But after restarting n8n, and refreshing the web browser page, the starter node doesn’t appear.
Is this the correct location for custom nodes, when running in the Docker configuration? Is it expected that the sample auto-generated node work out of the box?
you would have to choose as output folder ~/.n8n/custom on your local machine. Just to make sure I would check before starting n8n if this folder really exists and if it contains the compiled files. Once in there check also if they are .js and not .ts files.
If that is the case it should work fine. I just tested (to be 100% sure) and it worked fine for me. If not we have to look at what else could be going wrong. So simply write then here again.
I am having the same problem but maybe I am not writting the output folder ~/.n8n/custom in the right place, because when I run n8n with docker like this:
docker run -it --rm
–name n8n
-p 5678:5678
-v ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n/custom
n8n start --tunnel
My custom nodes Doesn’t appear
And I also make sure that this folder exists and it contains the compiled files, also they are .js
It seems that the problem is with the operative system.
I was using windows, that is why docker cannot find custom nodes. I just tried in a virtual machine with ubuntu and I got it at the first attempt.