Ipad and other IOS devices?

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What’s the supported devices policy for the web UI?I’d like to do some confs on an old-ish Ipad. Is IOS/Webkit/etc supported? Not working properly right now but I ask since I don’t want to bother you if it’s not supported.

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As far as I can tell using n8n with an iPad and and a Magic Keyboard works like any other device. If you´d like to use it with touch it doesn´t work, unless there have been changes.

I have issues like I cannot open/edit a trigger in an existing flow, guess it should open a popup but nothing happens. If ios-devices are supported I can open a proper support case.

Hey @pihiandreas,

Welcome to the community :cake:

We don’t really have a supported devices policy but we know there are issues with mobile devices as we have not designed n8n to work with them. There are also issues with touch input devices so a laptop with a touch enabled screen may also run into some issues but we have fixed most of them.

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