version: '3.7'
x-common-env: &common-env
NODE_ENV: production
DB_TYPE: postgresdb
# … (redacted for brevity)
image: n8nio/n8n:1.35.0
<<: *common-env
- n8n_data:/home/node/.n8n
# The following server folder allow us to download a CSV file (for instance) from a worker node, and deal with it a different worker.
# It also allows us to share files between deployments and simplify the access to the folder without entering Docker container for debug purposes.
- /home/${our_user}/n8n_workflow_executions-shared_files:/home/node/n8n_workflow_executions-shared_files
replicas: 1
# … (redacted for brevity)
# … (redacted for brevity)
image: n8nio/n8n:1.35.0
command: worker
<<: *common-env
# Specific configuration for workers
# Same purpose as with the n8n-main
- /home/${our_user}/n8n_workflow_executions-shared_files:/home/node/n8n_workflow_executions-shared_files
replicas: ${N8N__WORKER_INSTANCES}
# … (redacted for brevity)
# … (redacted for brevity)
image: "redis:7.2.3"
replicas: 1
# … (redacted for brevity)
# … (redacted for brevity)
external: true
However, we have some doubts:
Is it really necessary to declare the n8n_data, mapped to the user config directory /home/node/.n8n, as a volume in order to persist that information from the main node given that:
We are setting DB_TYPE: postgresdb in order to store all the executions and workflows data in an external DB instead of a local SQLite
We are configuring the encryption key using the N8N_ENCRYPTION_KEY environment variable
We are using the binding volume maped to the server folder /home/${our_user}/n8n_workflow_executions-shared_files in order to share binary files between executions and nodes instead of the binaryData contained in the .n8n config folder
If it is necessary, it is also necessary for the worker nodes? If so, should it be shared as in this other official example?
Why is it needed to be declared as externally managed?
The .n8n folder also keeps the logs so I would keep it persisted where possible so you can keep them between updates just incase anything goes wrong. It doens’t need to be externally managed our guide is just a guide and you are free to change it as you want to.
git/ // Only in the main node
n8nEventLog.log // Only in the main node
n8nEventLog-worker.log // Only in workers node
ssh/ // Only in the main node
Non conflicting files and folders:
binaryData folder: Do not collision because we would be dealing with these kind of files using the n8n_workflow_executions-shared_files binding volume
config file: Same file in all nodes (config based in environment variables such as N8N_ENCRYPTION_KEY)
git/, n8nEventLog.log, and ssh/: Do not collision due to only appearing in the main node
Possible collisions:
crash.journal: Shared file between main and worker nodes
n8nEventLog-worker.log: Shared file between worker nodes
At first glance, it might be tricky to decide whether we should allocate a different data volume for each node, considering they are defined by the number of Docker Swarm replicas
Personally I wouldn’t share the same home folder between them all as you wouldn’t want log files to be overwritten but this is not something I have ever tried… apart from the nodes folder I share that one.
I guess if log files don’t really matter you could run without I did some digging and we don’t really enforce it for wokers
Yes, completely agree on that. If n8n is going to override the contents of the crash.journal and, in the case of the worker nodes, also the n8nEventLog-worker.log, I would also prefer to avoid sharing the home folder between n8n nodes
Arrived to this point, the post question has been answered (thank you Jon!), so I do not expect any additional help or customer support from your side (obviously appreciated if you feel open to do so). However, for the sake of completeness and just in case it helps anyone else, here are my thoughts about using n8n with Docker Swarm regarding the volume mapping issue
Ideally we would have 1 volume for each node. The problem is that we are defining the number of n8n worker nodes as Docker Swarm replicas. From the initial example:
a) Manually declare the 4 volumes (1 for the main node and another one for each worker node), and also declare the 3 worker nodes as separated Docker Swarm services instead of using the replicas parameter
b) Diving a little in the n8n docs I have discovered that you can specify the user folder location, so I guess we could also go for sharing a single n8n_data volume for all the nodes, but specifying a different location for each node.
The problem in this case would be in fact the very same as before. We can specify a folder for the main node different from the worker ones because they are 2 different services, but we can not dynamically set the N8N_USER_FOLDER environment variable value for the worker nodes based on the Docker Swarm replica number
I was wrong assuming that you can not dynamically declare volumes in Docker Swarm. The problem was how I was trying to do so (and assuming the sources I ended up in pointing that it was not possible were accurate).
Final solution just in case it helps anyone or you want to include it in the docs :
Considerations regarding template variables:
'{{.Service.Name}}_{{.Task.Slot}}' produce volume names like:
If you use {{.Task.Name}} it will include the unique identifier of the task, so you will be generating a new volume each time you restart a container while updating the n8n version for instance