Is it possible to like posts as soon as they are added to facebook?

Is it possible to automatically like posts as soon as they are manually added to the faceboook?

Hey @Max_T,

Welcome to the community :raised_hands:

It looks like you might be able to use the Trigger node to get new posts as they happen but I can’t see anything in the Facebook Graph API docs that talks about being able to like a post. I did wonder if this is to try and prevent people from easily making bots to spam likes… or maybe I have missed it but maybe someone else has used it in this way before.

There is an option in to like posts that I am just posting. I mean something similar but different. Automation would detect a recently inserted post and immediately liken it and add a coeminar. In the case of commenters, has such options, but the post that is to be commented on is set permanently and I mean that you can comment on the selected comment by automation.

Hi @Max_T @Jon

There is an option to like according to the docs.

There are some conditions for you to be able to do this it seems.

I don’t have any experience with the Facebook API, so not able to help any further at this time.
(don’t even have facebook :sweat_smile:)

1 Like

Great spot, I forgot to scroll down and I missed the published option. Between the trigger and the node it looks like it would be possible but you would need to make sure the trigger covers the area you are looking for.

Google is your friend :wink:

does it need google app?
I guess so because I would need a token from what I see.
Do you know what type of fb application it would have to be?

No. I found the documentation page for liking in fb through google :wink:

Will you help me do such a stake in facebook or maybe it will also be useful to others?

Will you help me do such a stake in facebook or maybe it will also be useful to others?

I may be able to get something that may roughly work but you would need to take care of registering your facebook app and making any changes to the example.

Where are the posts coming from that you want to like is it a page, a user or a group? Have you also already started to work on something?

This is a page on FB. He analyzes documentation to get something out of it.

Did you manage to do something? unfortunately not for me yet.

Hi @Max_T,

I have not had a chance to yet I try not to do too much work over the weekend. Can you share the workflow you currently have?

The flow has an element that should read new posts from the page on fb. the next item is to like the posts. the next item is to add a comment