Is "latest" really latest?

We’re running the docker container with the “latest” tag, but often seem to be a version or two behind (even though a fresh pull shows we’re running the latest docker image).

Did see a related earlier thread that is now closed that said it was an issue being investigated. Wondering if anyone has new or additional info.

Thank you! :pray:

Describe the problem/error/question

What is the error message (if any)?


Please share your workflow


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Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.54.4
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Docker
  • Operating system: Fedora 39


The following note from our Release notes page should answer your question:

In the thread you linked, I actually said exactly the same thing. What in it makes you believe that it is an issue that is being investigated?

Docker latest tag: product version (or stable version)
Docker next tag: beta version (all the latest features but potentially has still bugs)

Ah btw. for some reason I mixed up the threads. I thought you referred to this this one. I will comment on the one you actually linked to avoid any confusion for other users in the future. Thanks for making us aware of it!

I’m thinking maybe the solution here is correcting the wording in the UI. The UI implies that we are running behind on updates and need to update.

“You’re on 1.54.4, which was released 6 days ago and is 1 version behind the latest and greatest n8n”
Which by your definition of versioning (latest vs next), we are 1 version behind the latest which would imply we aren’t current on updates.

Instead there should not be a ‘1 update’ icon and instead the notifications pop out should say:
“Congrats, you are running 1.54.4 which is the latest. If you want to try out the next version, 1.55.3 is available for testing.”

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In this update it actually looks like we accidentally hit the wrong box which pushed the next as latest. Normally we would only show the latest tagged version not the next.


I’m having a hard time understanding this answer, as the chief complaint here is the exact same as what I had reported previously, only without the explanation of the difference between Latest/Next, my Question appeared to be an issue with your build pipeline not correctly tagging what is actually the latest. And with no follow up to that question, I can only assume it was never resolved and here we are again with the same issue still occurring.

Thanks for the info @jan and @Jon.

Another approach –

Add a settings flag like “Notify me when a new release is available”

The variable could be a drop down with ‘Latest’ and ‘Next’ options.

Default would be ‘Latest’.

This way, folks can control notifications.

Thanks for considering.

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