Is there a marketplace with JSON workflow templates?

Dear n8n community,

Is there a marketplace with JSON workflow templates?


Hey @Di_B,

No marketplace that I am aware of at the moment but we do have templates in the product and on our website if you wanted to look at them.

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Thanks, @Jon.
I asked for places other than the default pre-build templates within n8n.

If you have import/export, there must be a centralized place somewhere where people share their JSON workflow templates, right?

It makes sense to start one on this forum or in GitHub. What do you think?

Hey @Di_B,

No where that I am aware of as they can be shared here or some users are able to submit them as templates through out website so they can be included as well.

It could be interesting to see a community made version of that if someone gets bored over a weekend :smiley:

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Cat you create a category for that matter here on the community forum to give it a start?

Hey @Di_B,

Not sure I understand, We have a “tips & tricks” and “Built with n8n” that can be used if anyone wanted to share a workflow.

If it ends up being popular we can start tagging with workflows, Would just need a couple to get it started.

Here is the first one from me :slight_smile:


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Hey @Di_B,

Rather than the collapsed workflow it might look better using the workflow preview which can also be copied from :thinking:

It’s also apparently not a thing on GitHub
As only 2 out of 7 seams to be real workflow