Iterate/Loop Over Webhook JSON

High Level Description

  1. I receive Slack webhooks with a JSON payload when a message is posted into our Slack workspace. A JSON payload example is below.

  2. I simply want to loop over each file inside the files array (body->event->files->file[0] and so forth) so that I can download/save each file locally on our server for long term retention.

What I Need Help With

I believe I need a splitoutitems.itemlist node, pass it the json struct for the files and then I can iterate over each file, run a download node/save node etc.

However, I’ve been trying to do it using various methods based on examples I’ve found here and I can’t get it to work correctly.

What would be the correct node(s) to be able to iterate over each body->event->file and save each one using the permalink_public element inside of each file?


JSON Payload Sample

    "headers": {
      "host": "",
      "x-request-id": "4f2fb4c14259326f060bb81dde0157e0",
      "x-real-ip": "",
      "x-forwarded-for": "",
      "x-forwarded-host": "",
      "x-forwarded-port": "443",
      "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
      "x-forwarded-scheme": "https",
      "x-scheme": "https",
      "content-length": "5656",
      "user-agent": "Slackbot 1.0 (+",
      "accept": "*/*",
      "content-type": "application/json",
      "x-slack-signature": "v0=b7ff6b48e2cf472a377892c0b0cce101b638443448cf6399cac89af2cbf2611e",
      "x-slack-request-timestamp": "1696361635"
    "params": {},
    "query": {},
    "body": {
      "token": "XwhSCzLcPdtHg0OG1IfYe4pa",
      "team_id": "T04TVFW6U1F",
      "context_team_id": "T04TVFW6U1F",
      "context_enterprise_id": null,
      "api_app_id": "A05PR43AL6L",
      "event": {
        "type": "message",
        "text": "Delivered",
        "files": [
            "id": "F05UX37CXE4",
            "created": 1696361627,
            "timestamp": 1696361627,
            "name": "20231003_143304.jpg",
            "title": "20231003_143304.jpg",
            "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
            "filetype": "jpg",
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            "username": "",
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hi @chidev

You can do it with Item list node and HTTP node. Example below:


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