Jira node fails in comments and attachment actions


The Jira node is failing on comments and attachment actions and the reason is that:

  • For Jira server there is no version 3 of the API;
  • For Jira server the comment body is not ADF format, but a simple string instead.

In essence, cloud vs server API differences.

I may try make a PR to help fix this, but wanted to gather feedback before (in case I’m doing something wrong:))


Ahh yes. When we add new changes to the Jira node we are just able to test it on the Cloud version because we do not have a Server version. If you can send a PR would be awesome.


I’m facing the same issue reported by @jeanm. I created this PR.

I also took the opportunity to fix the “user” actions which have been only implemented with API v3.


Welcome to the community @romainc

Thanks very much for your contribution. I just had a look and commented.