Describe the problem/error/question
JIRA n8n nodes routinely show “Could not load list. Please check credentials” on all list dropdowns.
Every once in a while it works well and the list gets populated correctly.
Doing a “Test step” seems to increment the changes for it to work, but not enough to be sure.
- It happens in all drop downs (ie. projects, issue types, fields).
- Tested across several nodes and days.
- If you by pass the list dropdown (ie. by going by ID), the actions works.
- Chrome Developer tools you can see n8n endpoint returning a HTTP 500 Internal error
I’ve tested unsuccessfully:
- Upgrade n8n
- Rotate the credentials.
- Give the credentials user jira admin rights.
What is the error message (if any)?
in progress needs action
Please share your workflow
- Configure JIRA credentials.
- Test them.
- Add a JIRA done like Update Issue.
- Add a field to update.
- Click “From list”
- Open the dropdown.
Share the output returned by the last node
This happens and workflow edit time.
Information on your n8n setup
- n8n version:
- Database (default: SQLite): Cloud
- n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): Cloud
- Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Cloud
- Operating system: Cloud