Jira Project List Empty

Hi All
I am trying to connect to Jira from my workflow in order to create a new issue.
I’ve created an Atlassian API key and created the credentials in n8n successfully however, the project list is empty (I have 4 projects and I am the Jira account owner).

Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 09.48.36

I’m running n8n v0.204.0 on digital ocean docker setup.

Thanks in advance

Hey @mbuk,

I would start with an update but that looks like maybe something else is going on, If you click the 3 dots and do a refresh does it then show the projects? It looks we call /api/2/project/search to get the projects if you try that from an HTTP Request node selecting your Jira credentials just it show any error messages?

Hey Jon
Thanks. Just doing an upgrade atm actually. Will see if that solves the issue, and then troubleshoot further with your suggestion.


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After upgrading there are still no projects pulling through.
I’ve created a GET http request to api/2/project/search with our URL and API key and it returns a 404 error.

Hey @mbuk,

I have just checked the Jira API and it looks like that endpoint doesn’t exist anymore so we will need to get the node updated, For now as a workaround if you know the ID of the project you can manually type it into the field.

Quick Edit: My mistake that endpoint is still good it is without search that is no longer valid… Are you self hosting Jira or is it part of the Atlassian cloud offering?

I have just given it a quick test with a test account I have and it appears to be working :thinking:

Hi Jon
haha just spent last 30m going through their docs too and found the current end point:

I’m using Jira Cloud (so project is located at name.atlassian.net) but I can’t get the project list to work like you have in your screenshot

That is the same URL type I am using, If I DM you my test Jira token and details can you give them a test? That would tell us if it is something with the n8n instance or the jira account.

Sure thing - thanks Jon

Doesn’t matter - got it working.
Very sorry was my error on the supplied email address. :grimacing:

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Well that is handy and good to know :smiley:

Happy automating.

Thanks…bit ashamed to be honest…but then I thought it’d be API key driven opposed to the email address having to match too.

Sorry for the bother and thanks as always for the support!

No worries, We have done silly things. I once restarted a server and did a ping so that I know when it is back online. After 10 minutes of nothing I was starting to get a bit worried then I remembered I disabled ICMP requests on the box.

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