Describe the problem/error/question
I use the HTTP Request Node with “Send Body” Using JSON with this JSON:
{ “useridentifier”: “{{ $(‘BeekeeperUser’).item.json.tenantuserid }}”, “recipient”:“[email protected]”, “departmentid”: “{{ $(‘CleanRequest’).item.json.departmentID }}”, “subject”: “{{ $(‘CleanRequest’).item.json.subject.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\t|\r)/gm, “”) }}”, “message”: “{{ $(‘CleanRequest’).item.json.message.replace(/(\r\n|\t|\n|\r)/gm, “”) }}”, “recipient_name”: “Philipp”, “status”: “N”, “mail_message_id”: “string”, “do_not_send_mail”: “N”, “use_template”: “Y”, “is_html_message”: “N”, “custom_fields”: [ { “code”: “kategorie”, “value”: “{{ $(‘CleanRequest’).item.json.requestCategory }}” }, { “code”: “form”, “value”: “{{ $(‘CleanRequest’).item.json.requestForm }}” }] }
This works for most cases, but sometimes Users add weird characted into the message and then it gives me “JSON parameter need to be an valid JSON” Error. Thats why I added .replace(/(\r\n|\t|\n|\r)/gm to replace some invalid characters, but I keep getting this error still from time to time for new messages. It works for most messages without problems. Is there a good general way how I can solve this for whatever data the users enters?
Its on the cloud n8n.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.