Leave auto generated primary key empty in postgress

Describe the problem/error/question

I have a table in Postgres, and I want to insert the data into it.

I have an id column with UUID type in table which default value is “uuid_generate_v4()”. As this is primary key, I am not able to make it nullable. what can I do ?

What is the error message (if any)?

I got this error:
Workflow has issues
Add Job Matching Process Item: Column “id” is required

Information on your n8n setup

  • 0.234.1

Hi @Ata_Zangene, unfortunately you didn’t share an example workflow so I am not quite sure how exactly you have set up your Postgres node.

However, based on the available information I assume you are using the Insert operation on the Postgres node. Perhaps you might want to switch to the Execute Query operation instead? This way you can write a custom INSERT statement account for your table schema rather than having to rely on n8n’s built-in logic to get everything right.

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