Newbie and still coming to grips with this astounding array of stuff in n8n lol
I’ve managed to setup my LinkedIn app as well as my n8n LinkedIn credentials.
Both Organisation and Legacy are disabled
But since the LinkedIn app is linked to my company page, I would have imagined I could post to this as well.
But testing with the LinkedIn ‘create post’ n8n node, it seems like I can only post to my personal LinkedIn feed.
I’m more than likely confused but would appreciate anyone’s thoughts and feedback as to what I need to do or am missing?
To post on a company page you need to make sure you are using the Community Managment option in LinkedIn which requires verification from LinkedIn to enable, Once this is done using the Community Management credental in the LinkedIn node should do the job.
If you have an older LinkedIn app and it shows the organisation scopes though you will be able to use the older credential as well but the option would depend on which scopes are in your app.