I am uploading one or more files using the n8n Form Trigger and would like to loop through them for image processing. However, the issue is that only a single item is output from the form, even if multiple files are uploaded. I tried using the Split node, but that causes the binary files to be lost, and my attempt to convert base64 (which I can access anywhere) back to binary was unsuccessful. In the example below, I also tried using the Loop node, but it only processes one file at a time.
Your suggestion brought me closer to resolving the workflow, but I’ve encountered another issue.
I need two binary files for the Edit Image node with the Composite operation (Original Image + Watermark). To handle this, I updated your script so that it outputs two distinct binary property names based on a condition.
Looking at your workflow, I realized that each item only had the Image binary, while the Watermark was in a separate item. The Watermark should have been alongside the other Image items, which is why the Composite node couldn’t find it.
For anyone else interested, I’m sharing the complete workflow I’ll be using. Its purpose is to add a watermark to images and upload them to WordPress.