Map array values from one node to another


I have a node where I convert some items with an array

"items": [ 
  "rechJOD7gpsR00IFf ",
  " recUhln4vI3l9OrPA ",
  " recUXhy1fXRHtmvud"

I would like to add them in the next node HTTP request in the same way but I don’t really get it to work

"barrierCodes" [ 
  "rechJOD7gpsR00IFf ",
  " recUhln4vI3l9OrPA ",
  " recUXhy1fXRHtmvud"

Screenshot 2020-06-02 at 19.52.05 Screenshot 2020-06-02 at 19.50.57

Are sadly not sure if I understand correctly what you want to do and as which “key” you want to send the data. One time you use “barrierCodes” and another time “elementCodes” so I simply go with the first one “barrierCodes” and assume you want to send it on the main level: