Mautic throwing successes that are... failures with no data

Hey all,

Did my best to search for an answer prior to posting.

I’m attempting to create a contact through Mautic. But testing that - and anything I submit, including tests that should throw an error from Mautic - returns nothing.

I get the n8n toast saying “node executed successfully” - but nothing comes back.

Here’s the node:

I’ve tried:

  • deleting and re-creating the connection in n8n
  • creating new API credentials in Mauthic and starting again
  • attempting to switch to regular auth
  • Checked the logs - no errors reported in n8n or Mautic

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.9.3
  • Database: postgresql
  • Running n8n via: - built off of docker
  • Operating system: WIndows - Chrome


Hi @creativemusicstudio, I am very sorry you’re having trouble.

I just tried out your node with a fresh trial account from Try Campaign Studio: Sandbox, and after filling in email, first and last name it works as expected for me:

The contact also shows up in Mautic as expected:

So I wonder if n8n is getting a success message from your Mautic URL here, but without any other data. Can you confirm how exactly you are running Mautic and which version you have in use?

Is your n8n instance able to talk to your Mautic instance (are they both on the same docker network, and are you using a hostname valid inside your docker network)? You can quickly test this using the HTTP Request node if needed, this would also let you view the full response headers (unlike the Mautic node).

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Thanks @MutedJam - really appreciate you taking the time to debug it with me. It’s a fresh install - 4.4.9. Both n8n and Mautic are installed in the same account. Don’t know if that means they share the same network.

All that said the unexplainable happened… it started working without me touching it. I hadn’t tested this since writing this message yesterday. I was able to make the connection with pipedream - not ideal. But it worked.

But going through your steps - I tried the http request you suggested, just to test the line (which worked) and then retried what wasn’t working… and now it’s working.

While I’m glad it’s working, I wish there was an explanation… don’t trust it won’t happen again :slight_smile:

Seriously though - thanks so much for taking the time to do a test run :pray:

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Well, I sure am glad it’s working now, though I don’t have an explanation either.

I wonder if this could be a railway-specific problem in this case. It does seem to produce some unexpected results for sure, another issue was reported on this platform earlier which seemingly required redeploying to resolve.

Could be worth checking with the railway community specifically how their handle networking between individual containers, and if there might be some request caching or similar at play.


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