Memory Limit

Describe the issue/error/question

I have multiple (x5) http requests to zoho analytics asking for some reports. It gives me back some csv viles that i sabe as binary and then pass them to a read from file node that to finally insert that data in google sheets, each of the binary files have arounf 6 to 15mb and im getting an error telling it is out of memory, any idea how can I optimize the system/workflow in order to solve this problem

What is the error message (if any)?

Problem in node ‘Spreadsheet File2‘

There might not be enough memory to finish the execution. Tips for avoiding this here

Please share the workflow

  "meta": {
    "instanceId": "96743677281a15cee50f9f64fbcd692f7e2766530c9c0c10b0f3681bb10270e2"
  "nodes": [
      "parameters": {
        "binaryPropertyName": "=InvoiceOrder",
        "options": {}
      "id": "0eb60b47-4bbd-4449-bea0-1360fdfa8ea2",
      "name": "Spreadsheet File",
      "type": "n8n-nodes-base.spreadsheetFile",
      "typeVersion": 1,
      "position": [
      "parameters": {
        "binaryPropertyName": "=WooFeed20221",
        "options": {}
      "id": "7789bd59-cd33-4856-a6a8-251e999b2a38",
      "name": "Spreadsheet File1",
      "type": "n8n-nodes-base.spreadsheetFile",
      "typeVersion": 1,
      "position": [
      "parameters": {
        "binaryPropertyName": "=WooFeed20222",
        "options": {}
      "id": "cfafa226-e17d-49ad-99e1-df8547827e38",
      "name": "Spreadsheet File2",
      "type": "n8n-nodes-base.spreadsheetFile",
      "typeVersion": 1,
      "position": [
      "parameters": {
        "binaryPropertyName": "=WooFeed2023",
        "options": {}
      "id": "5009f2f7-9965-4119-9354-a98277042148",
      "name": "Spreadsheet File3",
      "type": "n8n-nodes-base.spreadsheetFile",
      "typeVersion": 1,
      "position": [
  "connections": {}

## Share the output returned by the last node
<!-- If you need help with transforming the data, please also share the expected output -->

## Information on your n8n setup
Im running on cloud version, if memory limits apply by being in free trail please tell me and i would be ok with paying without it.

Hey @Felipe_Gomez_O,

The n8n start plan has a limited amount of memory so chances are it is being hit, best wait to handle it would be to break the requests up and process them in smaller batches using sub workflows.

We have a bit of information about this here: Memory-related errors - n8n Documentation

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