Hello everyone I would like to use Microsoft Graph API, but i really don’t understand how to connect my microsoft Azure.
I’ve followed lot of documentation, but maybe I made some confusion.
The topic are:
Hi @Gabriele_Bracciali, n8n should handle most OAuth2 logic behind the scenes, including the MS Graph one, though you might need to experiment a bit with the correct settings (which would depend on the exact API endpoints you are using). You should be able to simply create generic OAuth2 credentials.
When creating these credentials through the n8n UI, you might find it helpful to take a look at the settings used by the existing n8n node credentials.
On another note, if you’re thinking about managing existing contacts using the MS Graph API, you might want to wait until this overhaul of the Outlook node is complete which would add such functionality to the existing node.
So, this would be an error coming from Microsoft, not n8n. I am not familiar with the API, so don’t know what exactly causes such a response, but googling a bit could suggest this is a problem with your Microsoft subscription not allowing access to a specific resource.
Are you using a private MS account or a business subscription to MS365?
Okay yes i think so.
I am using a working MS365 account, but i guess it’s not all configured like aspect, I will search on google to find a solution to this error, and maybe post it here!
You should be able to run the workflow from your last thread around this. You can also append another node to fetch an individual contact using the endpoint you have shared above:
If this still fails for you with the initial error message your best bet would be to reach out to Microsoft’s support team directly to find out which permissions might be missing, leading to this error.