Missing DropDown option in new Form Node

In the current version of the Form Trigger node (On form submission) I miss the option Respond When ‘Using Respond to Webhook Node’.

This was still available in the n8n Form Trigger node version 2.1.

Is this a bug in the new version or am I missing something? Many thanks for your help.

hello @miro

the Form now have another node called Form Ending which supports the text and Redirect options

Hello @barn4k

Thank you for your help.
I have tried it with the new Form Nodes.

With the previous version it was easily possible to insert HTML with additional links in the response to webhook nodes in the body. Unfortunately, this no longer seems possible with the new Form Nodes. Is this correct?

how is that? The previous Form node didn’t allow any HTML in the response. Sounds more like an unpredicted behavior :sweat_smile:

With the previous version it was easy to redirect the user to another page with a message.
I think this is useful and should be possible again.

Ah, I see. Seems they have removed the option to use custom text, so now it should be inside the wrapper. But in that case no HTML tags are supported :smiling_face_with_tear:

I just noticed that as well. The problem is: I am trying to return a generated file after form submission. All tutorials mention you can do that via the Webhook Response node. But that does not seem to be the case anymore? Is there a new way/workaround how I can return a file after the form was submitted?

Also came upon this issue when trying to display form results as HTML after submission.

Adding HTML into the end form node under completion messsage does not work.

Is there a way to submit a request for fix for this so it works in the fashion the old respond to webhook node work together with the form trigger node?

I have been looking for the same feature, as it is mentioned in documentations, other forum topics, also suggested by general AI but it is missing. Is there a way to respond to the form trigger at the end of the workflow with a custom HTML message that is shaped by variables from the workflow processing?

respond with variables - yes (from v1.69.2)
custom HTML - no

@MutedJam Is it possible to convert this question into a feature request so that this is taken into account in the future development of n8n?

And I assume the respond with file is also a no at the moment? Even though it used to be supported?