I wanted a system to monitor website content changes and notify me. So I made it using n8n.
Especially my competitor blogs. I wanted to know how often they are posting new articles. (I used their sitemap.xml file) (The below workflow may vary)
In the Below example, I used HackerNews for example.
First HTTP Request node crawls the webpage and grabs the website source code
Then wait for x minutes
Again, HTTP Node crawls the webpage
If Node compares both results are equal if anything is changed. It’ll go to the false branch and notify me in telegram.
Thanks, I like how you use Telegram to get updates.
I have been using Telegram as a simple way to get n8n to send me push notifications on my phone for all sorts of n8n flows
Yes. Just use the Pupeteer node to get a screenshot of the page that changed.
This will need some changes in the workflow which will trigger a puppeteer node if there are changes on the website, then shares the screenshot to the telegram node. This way you can be able to see exactly what changed
Another alternative would be using the sitemap of the website. The changes to track will be in the xml file which you can the use to get specific pages that were added or removed not just the changes in page content.