Multiple articles over E-Commerce_Order?

Describe the problem/error/question

We are using Active Campaign and plan to transmit our E-Commerce Orders over n8n into active campaign.
Everything is going great so far. But in a shopping cart is not always a fix number of different items. Therefore, we need a possibility to transfer the products as an array or similar. Currently, it is only possible to submit “name, price, quantity” for each item. But the shopping cart can contain different items so that one order has only 1 item in 1 quantity and the next card has 5 different products.

Share the output returned by the last node
























Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 0.225.2

Hey @yokohiray,

Welcome to the community :raised_hands:

Sadly this is something we are aware of and there are a few nodes that have similar issues, The way to work around this at the moment is to use an HTTP Request node and manually build out the API call. This will give you more control and allow you to have more of a dynamic body when sending data to Active Campaign.

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Hey @Jon,
are you working on a solution for that? Is it predictable when the changes will be completed?

Thank you.

Hey @yokohiray,

This is not something currently being worked on, We would normally need to think of some kind of design pattern that can be used on any node that might need something similar.

Quickest solution would be to use the http request node, I will do some thinking on how we can achieve it though.

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